Interlibrary Loans

Now the postal strike is over, you can submit interlibrary loan requests.

The loan period for ILLOs is three weeks print materials and TV series and one week for DVDs.

What is an interlibrary loan (ILLO)?

  • Interlibrary loans are items that we borrow from other libraries if we do not have the item in our collection. 
  • ILLOs are for items at least 12 months old. For newer items, please Suggest a Purchase
  • ILLOs are free for patrons.

How many items can I borrow?

  • You can place requests for five items per month. The DVD limit is two. 
  • If you have more items you would like to request, please keep a list and place your requests in the following month(s). We are unable to maintain request lists for patrons.
 How long can I keep an item?
  • Interlibrary loan holds must be picked up within seven days of you being contacted that your interlibrary loan is here for you.
  • Interlibrary loans can only be borrowed for three weeks.
  • Renewals are not automatic, nor guaranteed.
  • Renewals may be requested but we ask that you give us a week's notice so that the lending library has time to respond.

What types of items can I borrow?

  • Books (in all print formats)
  • DVDs and Blu-rays 
  • Books on CD
  • Music CDs
  • Foreign language material
  • Microfilm from the Archives of Ontario

What types of items can’t I borrow?

  • Items listed in our catalogue. Please see How the Catalogue Works.
  • Items newer than one year from the date of publication (books) or release to DVD (movies, documentaries, and TV shows)
  • Online material such as eBooks, eAudiobooks, streamed films, etc. Please visit the eBooks and eResources page for more information on borrowing these items.
  • Items that are in high demand, e.g. books that have just won awards, are part of provincial or national book clubs, or have just been released as movies, etc.
  • Video games
  • Items from institutional and non-public libraries that charge fees for borrowing

How do I request an ILLO?

  • Go to our catalogue page and sign in with your library card number and PIN. At the bottom of the page, click Submit feedback, and choose Request an Interlibrary Loan. Fill in the pickup branch where you wish to pick up your interlibrary loan, the title, author, and if you prefer the item to be in a particular format i.e. large print, DVD, etc., and if you wish to leave a message about the item.
  • You must know the exact title and author, or performer for DVDs/Blu-rays or music CDs (you can check Amazon or IMDb if you are not sure).
  • You can ask us to find books on a particular subject without knowing any titles but we may ask you for more detailed information.
  • We cannot do general searches, e.g. mysteries in French.

How long will it take for an item to arrive?

  • We anticipate longer wait times for interlibrary loan items. Please expect 3–7 weeks between your request and the arrival of the item.
  • It can take longer if, for instance, the item is checked out at the lending library and we have to wait for it.
  • From time to time, ILLO services at our library and other libraries are suspended due to vacations, etc.

How will I know when it is available?

  • Once your item is received, you will be notified by phone or email depending on your normal preference.
  • The item will be available for five days on the holds shelf in the library location you chose for pick-up.

How do I return it?

  • You may return the item to any of our locations.
  • Do not remove any special cards or identifying strips of paper or stickers.
  • Do not return it to another library system.

Where else can I find an item if I can’t get it through interlibrary loan?

  • Search our catalogue for eBooks and eAudiobooks.
  • Search hoopla or Kanopy for movies.
  • Register with CELA if you have a print disability and would like to listen to an audiobook. CELA has a wide selection of materials, including current and popular titles. The titles are available as downloadable files or on CDs compatible with any player with MP3 capabilities.
  • Search other nearby library systems. Georgina residents are eligible for library cards at all libraries in York Region, and Brock Township. You would need to obtain a card at each library system from which you wish to borrow materials.
